Children's Ministries
We believe the discipleship journey begins as soon as the first breath of life is taken (Psalm 139). We look forward to supporting you as parents in caring and loving on your infants. It is our desire to care and connect them to soft and gentle touch, as well as providing a safe environment for the infant to sense God's presence through the comfort of the Holy Spirit. We would love to have you join our team as we continue to provide love to these little precious gifts from God.
This area of ministry is specific to ages 2-4 in the development of their initial trust in adults and teen leaders in hopes to guide them to trust in their Heavenly Father. In this arena we believe a good solid foundation of trust, love and acceptance is of utmost importance in helping a young child communicate with each other and connecting with a God who cherishes and loves them deeply (Psalm 127:3). Maybe you would consider being a part of this important role in a young child's life?
This is such a wild and crazy age range between K-4th grade, where kids are learning more about themselves and the world around them. At KidVenture we believe in capturing the heart of a child through showing them how to jump into God's story, because God loves to call young children unto Him and to give them the keys to the Kingdom (Matthew 19:14). We attempt to do this by having the kids join us in worship then be invited on an adventure through connecting with each other, then the leaders, and then with God. Join us in this awesome opportunity to build solid friendships.
In a world where self esteem is a hot commodity these days, we believe that the identity is even more important in these formative years. Club 56 is a special, unique group of 5th and 6th graders who are beginning to understand who they are in Christ. Our leaders have a heart for helping build a bridge for these amazing pre-teens to help them understand themselves and start to live with others in mind as they participate in missional efforts (Ephesians 2:10). These two factors assist immensely in building their confidence as they fully enter teenage-hood with all of it's ups and downs.